Admission Requirements


To become a student in one of Toronto Film School’s online programs, you will need to complete the following steps:


Complete and submit an online application form.


Pay the application fee (all online diploma programs are $100)


Provide original or notarized translated academic transcripts. You must have an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or its equivalent.


Submit the requirements for your program of choice (see ‘Requirements by Program’ below).

Request a call if you have any questions about your program of choice or the application process.

Requirements by Program

Video Production

Write and submit a critique as part of your application package. The critique can be on any film, TV episode or web series of your choice. You should describe the production’s strengths and weaknesses and assess its overall entertainment value. Take into account the story’s directing, acting, lighting, editing and special effects.
You will be assessed for your understanding of what makes the production successful (or not). Should be 300-500 words.

Writing for Film & TV

Write and submit your choice of two (or more) of the following assignments, as part of your application package:

  • Journal Entry (two pages)
  • Short Story (two pages)
  • Opinion Article (two pages)
  • Short Film/Sketch script (not to exceed 5 pages)
  • Graphic Design & Interactive Media

    Write and submit an essay as part of your application package. Tell us about your passion for creativity, and why you’re interested in a career in the graphic design industry. Write about aspects of the industry that interest you, your career goals and any relevant hobbies, part-time jobs, and previous coursework. Should be 300–500 words.

    Graduation Requirements for all Programs

    To graduate, you need to complete all courses in your program with a 1.7 CGPA in the 4.3 scale or better. Electives if required. Any course with grades W or F must be retaken in order to graduate.

    Success Stories

    Need Assistance? We Got Your Back

    Reach out if you have any questions about our online programs or the enrolment process. One of our admissions advisors will be happy to answer your questions or assist with the application process.

    You can:
    · Call us at 1.866.838.6542.
    · Message us on Facebook.
    · Fill out a Request for Information form (an admissions advisor will contact you).